Optimal choice of closest approach distance for a comet flyby: Supplementary...
This software pack, together with the figures it produces, presents supplementary material in support of the publication: J. De Keyser, N.J.T. Edberg, P. Henri, H. Rothkaehl, V.... -
Vertical profiles of carbon dioxide density and temperature retrieved from...
Profiles of carbon dioxide and temperature retrieved by the Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy from NOMAD-SO on board ESA’s ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter. The temperature... -
NOMAD/UVIS ozone retrievals and GEM-Mars GCM simulations of ozone on Mars...
The DOI contains: NOMAD/UVIS retrievals of ozone profiles on Mars during the Global Dust Storm of 2018 and for the same season one Mars year later, GEM-Mars GCM ozone... -
Model calculation of the [OI] 630 nm dayglow and [OI] 557.7 nm dayglow limb...
This dataset contains vertical profile of [OI] 630 nm and [OI] 557.7 nm dayglow intensity simulated by a theoretical model and measured with TGO/NOMAD-UVIS. These are presented... -
Dataset of the CO/CO2 ratio retrieved from solar occultation by TGO/NOMAD,...
The CO/CO2 ratio in MY 35 retrieved from the solar occultation by Nadir and Occultation for Mars Discovery (NOMAD) aboard the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO), presented in... -
Supplementary material for: Mass calibration of Rosetta’s ROSINA/DFMS mass...
This software pack, together with the figures it produces, presents supplementary material in support of the publication J. De Keyser, F. Dhooghe, K. Altwegg, M. Rubin, N.... -
Global vertical distribution of water vapor on Mars retrieved from 3.5 years...
This is the dataset of water vapor vertical distributions on Mars measured by ExoMars-TGO/NOMAD. This is presented in "Global vertical distribution of water vapor on Mars:... -
Supplementary material for: In situ plasma and neutral gas observation time...
This software pack, together with the figures it produces, presents supplementary material in support of the publication: J. De Keyser, N. Edberg, P. Henri, H.-U. Auster, M.... -
Vertical profiles of water vapor in the Martian atmosphere during dust...
The data is water vapor vertical profiles in the periods of the two dust storms (Ls=162–260° and Ls=298–345°) in MY 34 on Mars retrieved from the solar occultation measurements... -
Density and temperature of the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere of...
Density and Temperature in the lower thermosphere and upper mesosphere of Mars, retrieved from the limb measurements by Nadir and Occultation for Mars Discovery (NOMAD) onboard...