FRM4GHG raw dataset from the Sodankylä campaign
The dataset contains raw data from 5 participating remote sensing instruments, namely: Bruker IFS 125HR – operated by Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI, Finland), Bruker... -
Long-term in situ (O)VOC measurements at the Maïdo Observatory (Reunion Island)v2
The dataset contains (O)VOC concentration data that were acquired with a hs-PTR-MS instrument at the Maido observatory at Reunion Island. It was acquired in the framework of the... -
Long-term in situ (O)VOC measurements at the Maïdo Observatory (Reunion Island)
The dataset contains (O)VOC concentration data that were acquired with a hs-PTR-MS instrument at the Maido observatory at Reunion Island. It was acquired in the framework of the... -
FRM4GHG level2 dataset from the Sodankylä campaign
The dataset contains Level2 data from 5 participating remote sensing instruments, namely: Bruker IFS 125HR – operated by Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI, Finland), Bruker... -
Software and Datafiles subtending the application of the Ozone Neural...
The resource contains the input data produced by the SMART-G radiative transfer model for 25600 cases in limb geometry. The used atmospheric profiles for ozone, aerosol, air are... -
TROPOMI bromine monoxide total columns at S5P-PAL
Bromine monoxide (BrO) total vertical columns retrieved from measurements by the S5p/TROPOMI instrument. The S5P-PAL data portal provides a daily updated dataset of L2 bromine... -
QDOAS trace gas retrieval software
QDOAS is a cross-platform application based on the long experience of BIRA-IASB (Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy) in the development and improvement of algorithms for... -
Multi-year TROPOMI trace gas columns, created on the occasion of three years...
April 2021 marked the 3rd anniversary of the first public release of atmospheric measurements by the Sentinel 5 Precursor (S5P) TROPOMI instrument, launched in October 2017.... -
TROPOMI glyoxal tropospheric columns at S5P-PAL
Glyoxal (CHOCHO) tropospheric vertical columns retrieved from the TROPOMI/S5p instrument. The S5P-PAL data portal provides a continuously updated dataset of L2 glyoxal vertical... -
TROPOMI glyoxal tropospheric columns
Glyoxal (CHOCHO) tropospheric vertical columns retrieved from the TROPOMI/S5p instrument. The GLYRETRO (GLYoxal Retrievals from TROPOMI) activity is one of the seven themes from... -
TROPOMI nitrous acid columns
This dataset provides nitrous acid (HONO) vertical columns retrieved from the S5p/TROPOMI measurements and created in the context of the ESA DINAR project. The DINAR... -
MEGAN-MOHYCAN global isoprene emissions accounting for space-based land...
This dataset contains the monthly-averaged emissions of isoprene released by terrestrial vegetation at global scale, at 0.5°x0.5° resolution, between 2001 and 2018, calculated... -
CCI+P HCHO tropospheric column L3 data from TROPOMI, v1
TROPOMI level-3 gridded tropospheric HCHO column, version 1. Monthly grids at spatial resolution of 0.2°x0.2°. In addition to the main product results, such as HCHO slant... -
Land cover maps of Canada derived from Sentinel-5 Precursor methane total...
Classified land cover maps of Canada. The tiff files contains classified maps of Canada (10 land types, and 0 as background) for 2018 and 2019. The class label corresponding to... -
Top-down isoprene emissions over Europe based on TROPOMI HCHO data
Weekly isoprene emissions at 0.5x0.5 degrees for 2018-2021 based on a top-down inversion using MAGRITTEv1.1 and its adjoint, and constrained by TROPOMI HCHO columns. Size: 4 MB -
CCI+P HCHO tropospheric column L3 data from OMI, v1
OMI level-3 gridded tropospheric HCHO column, version 1. Monthly grids at spatial resolution of 0.2°x0.2°. In addition to the main product results, such as HCHO slant column,... -
Oxygenated volatile organic compounds in the Tropical Atmosphere:...
Brussels: Belgian Science Policy Office 2022 – 81 p. -
QA4ECV HCHO tropospheric column L2 data from GOME-2
The QA4ECV HCHO Essential Climate Variable precursor product contains harmonized HCHO tropospheric column densities. The HCHO ECV precursor data in this dataset provides... -
Vertical Profiles of Mineral Dust Aerosols from IASI (MAPIR algorithm version 5.1)
The data are vertical profiles of mineral dust aerosols from IASI (Metop-A and Metop-C) obtained with the Mineral Aerosol Profiling from Infrared Radiances (MAPIR) version 5.1... -
Vertical Profiles of Mineral Dust Aerosols from IASI (MAPIR algorithm version 4.1)
There is a new version of this data set (https://doi.org/10.18758/72q26unk) - please consider using it The data are vertical profiles of mineral dust aerosols from IASI (Metop-A...