Molecular absorption cross-section datasets for atmospheric gas retrieval...
The high-resolution cross-sections for NO2 and NO3 used in the new GOMOS cross-section database. This dataset is used in the publication: Bingen C, Robert C, Hermans C,... -
Standard terms and definitions applicable to the quality assurance of ...
This document contains a selection of standard terms and definitions relevant to the quality assurance of Essential Climate Variable (ECVs) data records. It reproduces... -
Vertical Profiles of Mineral Dust Aerosols from IASI (MAPIR algorithm version 5.1)
The data are vertical profiles of mineral dust aerosols from IASI (Metop-A and Metop-C) obtained with the Mineral Aerosol Profiling from Infrared Radiances (MAPIR) version 5.1... -
Vertical Profiles of Mineral Dust Aerosols from IASI (MAPIR algorithm version 4.1)
There is a new version of this data set (https://doi.org/10.18758/72q26unk) - please consider using it The data are vertical profiles of mineral dust aerosols from IASI (Metop-A... -
Supplement for: Global nitrous acid emissions and regional oxidants levels...
2 Excel files: TROPOMI_HONO_global and Rabbit_Footfire_TROPOMI_BBFLUX. TROPOMI_HONO_global contains the global maps quantities (HONO slant column, ratio HONO to NO2, relative... -
ATM-MPC Operational HCHO tropospheric column L2 data from TROPOMI (NRT and...
Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Formaldehyde (L2__HCHO__) The TROPOMI instrument onboard Sentinel-5 Precursor is a nadir-viewing, imaging spectrometer covering wavelength bands... -
Supplement for: N2O rate of change as a diagnostic of the Brewer-Dobson...
N2O volume mixing ratios (vmrs) and their TEM budget terms computed by the models WACCM and BASCOE CTM. Each dataset corresponds to a model output: mp03e5x is the BASCOE CTM... -
Supplement for: Climatological impact of the Brewer-Dobson Circulation on...
9 NETCDF files (1 per dataset): ERA-Interim, JRA-55, MERRA, MERRA2, BRAM2, 3 WACCM-CCMI realizations and one WACCM4 realization. They contain, for each dataset, the TEM...