WRF-Chem simulations of CO2, CH4 and CO over Belgium and Western Europe
This data set contains the hourly WRF-Chem v4.1.5 model output over two nested domains centered around Belgium. The inner domain has a horizontal resolution of 3 x 3 km and... -
WRF-Chem simulations of CO2, CH4 and CO around Xianghe, China
This data set contains the hourly WRF-Chem v4.1.5 model output over three nested domains centered around the Xianghe site in China (39.75° N, 116.96° E). The simulation period... -
Supplementary material for: In situ plasma and neutral gas observation time...
This software pack, together with the figures it produces, presents supplementary material in support of the publication: J. De Keyser, N. Edberg, P. Henri, H.-U. Auster, M.... -
MEGAN-MOHYCAN global isoprene emissions accounting for space-based land...
This dataset contains the monthly-averaged emissions of isoprene released by terrestrial vegetation at global scale, at 0.5°x0.5° resolution, between 2001 and 2018, calculated... -
GEM-Mars GCM simulations of D/H in Mars water vapor for Daerden et al., JGR, 2021
The repository contains GEM-Mars GCM results for the D/H ratio in water vapor including comparisons to NOMAD D/H observations, presented in "Explaining NOMAD D/H Observations by... -
Optimal choice of closest approach distance for a comet flyby: Supplementary...
This software pack, together with the figures it produces, presents supplementary material in support of the publication: J. De Keyser, N.J.T. Edberg, P. Henri, H. Rothkaehl, V.... -
A model calculation of the ozone response to the increase in the atmospheric...
This internal report was created at BIRA-IASB in 1984. On the basis of four different emission scenarios and a one-dimensional chemical radiative model of the Earth atmosphere,... -
Top-down isoprene emissions over Europe based on TROPOMI HCHO data
Weekly isoprene emissions at 0.5x0.5 degrees for 2018-2021 based on a top-down inversion using MAGRITTEv1.1 and its adjoint, and constrained by TROPOMI HCHO columns. Size: 4 MB -
WRF-GHG user guide
This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the greenhouse gas (GHG) option (chem_opt=17) in WRF-Chem, synthesizing key information from the model code, WRF-Chem User's... -
GEM-Mars GCM simulations of O3 for NOMAD-UVIS profile geometries published...
This dataset contains NOMAD UVIS retrievals of O3 number density as published in Khayat et al. (2021), and colocated GEM-Mars GCM simulated O3 number densities. These data are... -
Datasets and GEM-Mars simulations of ozone and H2O2 on Mars, for Daerden et al., 2023
The datasets include: - the experimental results of Pouvesle et al. (2010) for H2O2 adsorption on water ice; - MARCI/MRO total ozone column observations for Mars year 31; - GEM-... -
NOMAD/UVIS ozone retrievals and GEM-Mars GCM simulations of ozone on Mars...
The DOI contains: NOMAD/UVIS retrievals of ozone profiles on Mars during the Global Dust Storm of 2018 and for the same season one Mars year later, GEM-Mars GCM ozone... -
QA4ECV HCHO tropospheric column L2 data from OMI
The QA4ECV HCHO Essential Climate Variable precursor product contains harmonized HCHO tropospheric column densities. The HCHO ECV precursor data in this dataset provides... -
Simulations of the magnetosphere - ionosphere coupling to estimate the...
We designed a method to estimate the properties of the auroral generator from low-altitude observations of aurora. The method is based on a magnetosphere – ionosphere quasi-... -
Supplementary material for: Mass calibration of Rosetta’s ROSINA/DFMS mass...
This software pack, together with the figures it produces, presents supplementary material in support of the publication J. De Keyser, F. Dhooghe, K. Altwegg, M. Rubin, N.... -
GOMOS-AerGOM ATBD C3S_D312a_Lot5.2.1.9_201809_ATBD_GOMOS_AerGOM_v2
GOMOS-AerGOM stratospheric aerosol retrieval Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) -
Supplement for: N2O rate of change as a diagnostic of the Brewer-Dobson...
N2O volume mixing ratios (vmrs) and their TEM budget terms computed by the models WACCM and BASCOE CTM. Each dataset corresponds to a model output: mp03e5x is the BASCOE CTM... -
Supplement for: Climatological impact of the Brewer-Dobson Circulation on...
9 NETCDF files (1 per dataset): ERA-Interim, JRA-55, MERRA, MERRA2, BRAM2, 3 WACCM-CCMI realizations and one WACCM4 realization. They contain, for each dataset, the TEM... -
Chemical mechanism and deposition scheme of the MAGRITTEv1.1 model
The page provides information related to the chemical mechanism (organic compounds) and deposition scheme of the MAGRITTE v1.1 model. More specifically: 1. the chemical...