Software and Datafiles subtending the application of the Ozone Neural...
The resource contains the input data produced by the SMART-G radiative transfer model for 25600 cases in limb geometry. The used atmospheric profiles for ozone, aerosol, air are... -
The ALTIUS mission: observation geometries
This animation explains the baseline observation geometries that will be implemented in the ALTIUS mission. -
CCI Total Ozone Column Data from GOME-2B
The CCI level-2 total ozone Essential Climate Variable product contains harmonized total ozone vertical column densities retrieved from a number of nadir space sensors using the... -
CCI Total Ozone Column Data from OMPS-NM
The CCI level-2 total ozone Essential Climate Variable product contains harmonized total ozone vertical column densities retrieved from a number of nadir space sensors using the... -
CCI Total Ozone Column Data from GOME-2C
The CCI level-2 total ozone Essential Climate Variable product contains harmonized total ozone vertical column densities retrieved from a number of nadir space sensors using the... -
CCI Total Ozone Column Data from GOME-2A
The CCI level-2 total ozone Essential Climate Variable product contains harmonized total ozone vertical column densities retrieved from a number of nadir space sensors using the... -
CCI Total Ozone Column Data from GOME
The CCI level-2 total ozone Essential Climate Variable product contains harmonized total ozone vertical column densities retrieved from a number of nadir space sensors using the... -
A model calculation of the ozone response to the increase in the atmospheric...
This internal report was created at BIRA-IASB in 1984. On the basis of four different emission scenarios and a one-dimensional chemical radiative model of the Earth atmosphere,... -
CCI Total Ozone Column Data from OMI
The CCI level-2 total ozone Essential Climate Variable product contains harmonized total ozone vertical column densities retrieved from a number of nadir space sensors using the... -
CCI Total Ozone Column Data from SCIAMACHY
The CCI level-2 total ozone Essential Climate Variable product contains harmonized total ozone vertical column densities retrieved from a number of nadir space sensors using the... -
Global distribution of ozone vertical profiles retrieved from...
This dataset is presented in "Ozone observed by TGO/NOMAD-UVIS solar occultation: an inter-comparison of three retrieval methods" by A. Piccialli, A.C. Vandaele, et al. 2023.:... -
GEM-Mars GCM simulations of O3 for NOMAD-UVIS profile geometries published...
This dataset contains NOMAD UVIS retrievals of O3 number density as published in Khayat et al. (2021), and colocated GEM-Mars GCM simulated O3 number densities. These data are... -
Datasets and GEM-Mars simulations of ozone and H2O2 on Mars, for Daerden et al., 2023
The datasets include: - the experimental results of Pouvesle et al. (2010) for H2O2 adsorption on water ice; - MARCI/MRO total ozone column observations for Mars year 31; - GEM-... -
NOMAD/UVIS ozone retrievals and GEM-Mars GCM simulations of ozone on Mars...
The DOI contains: NOMAD/UVIS retrievals of ozone profiles on Mars during the Global Dust Storm of 2018 and for the same season one Mars year later, GEM-Mars GCM ozone... -
Ozone hole time series
Time series of the October mean ozone vertical column above Antarctica. The dataset behind those images was developed within the ESA Climate Change Initiative Programme... -
Partial and total ozone column measurements at Lauder (45S, 170E) from FTIR,...
This data set contains netCDF files of the total and partial columns of FTIR, Dobson, UV2, lidar, ozonesonde, and microwave radiometer observations. They represent measurement...