WRF-Chem simulations of CO2, CH4 and CO over Belgium and Western Europe
This data set contains the hourly WRF-Chem v4.1.5 model output over two nested domains centered around Belgium. The inner domain has a horizontal resolution of 3 x 3 km and... -
WRF-Chem simulations of CO2, CH4 and CO around Xianghe, China
This data set contains the hourly WRF-Chem v4.1.5 model output over three nested domains centered around the Xianghe site in China (39.75° N, 116.96° E). The simulation period... -
FRM4GHG raw dataset from the Sodankylä campaign
The dataset contains raw data from 5 participating remote sensing instruments, namely: Bruker IFS 125HR – operated by Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI, Finland), Bruker... -
Long-term in situ (O)VOC measurements at the Maïdo Observatory (Reunion Island)v2
The dataset contains (O)VOC concentration data that were acquired with a hs-PTR-MS instrument at the Maido observatory at Reunion Island. It was acquired in the framework of the... -
Long-term in situ (O)VOC measurements at the Maïdo Observatory (Reunion Island)
The dataset contains (O)VOC concentration data that were acquired with a hs-PTR-MS instrument at the Maido observatory at Reunion Island. It was acquired in the framework of the... -
Supplementary material for: In situ plasma and neutral gas observation time...
This software pack, together with the figures it produces, presents supplementary material in support of the publication: J. De Keyser, N. Edberg, P. Henri, H.-U. Auster, M.... -
FRM4GHG level2 dataset from the Sodankylä campaign
The dataset contains Level2 data from 5 participating remote sensing instruments, namely: Bruker IFS 125HR – operated by Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI, Finland), Bruker... -
Software and Datafiles subtending the application of the Ozone Neural...
The resource contains the input data produced by the SMART-G radiative transfer model for 25600 cases in limb geometry. The used atmospheric profiles for ozone, aerosol, air are... -
FTIR formic acid (HCOOH) groundbased remote sensing at Saint-Denis from...
FTIR formic acid (HCOOH) total columns and low vertical resolution profile data at Saint-Denis (Reunion Island). Details on the retrieval parameters are found in... -
FTIR ammonia (NH3) groundbased remote sensing at Porto Velho from instrument...
FTIR ammonia (NH3) total columns and low vertical resolution profile data at Porto Velho (Brazil). Details on the FTIR NH3 retrievals can be found in... -
TROPOMI bromine monoxide total columns at S5P-PAL
Bromine monoxide (BrO) total vertical columns retrieved from measurements by the S5p/TROPOMI instrument. The S5P-PAL data portal provides a daily updated dataset of L2 bromine... -
QDOAS trace gas retrieval software
QDOAS is a cross-platform application based on the long experience of BIRA-IASB (Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy) in the development and improvement of algorithms for... -
Multi-year TROPOMI trace gas columns, created on the occasion of three years...
April 2021 marked the 3rd anniversary of the first public release of atmospheric measurements by the Sentinel 5 Precursor (S5P) TROPOMI instrument, launched in October 2017.... -
TROPOMI glyoxal tropospheric columns at S5P-PAL
Glyoxal (CHOCHO) tropospheric vertical columns retrieved from the TROPOMI/S5p instrument. The S5P-PAL data portal provides a continuously updated dataset of L2 glyoxal vertical... -
TROPOMI glyoxal tropospheric columns
Glyoxal (CHOCHO) tropospheric vertical columns retrieved from the TROPOMI/S5p instrument. The GLYRETRO (GLYoxal Retrievals from TROPOMI) activity is one of the seven themes from... -
TROPOMI nitrous acid columns
This dataset provides nitrous acid (HONO) vertical columns retrieved from the S5p/TROPOMI measurements and created in the context of the ESA DINAR project. The DINAR... -
MEGAN-MOHYCAN global isoprene emissions accounting for space-based land...
This dataset contains the monthly-averaged emissions of isoprene released by terrestrial vegetation at global scale, at 0.5°x0.5° resolution, between 2001 and 2018, calculated... -
Ground-based zenith-sky DOAS observations of stratospheric OClO : dataset...
Chlorine dioxide (OClO) slant column densities (SCD) dataset from 9 ground-based zenith-sky DOAS instruments. The OClO SCD data are collected from the instruments PI and offset... -
Molecular absorption cross-section datasets for atmospheric gas retrieval...
The high-resolution cross-sections for NO2 and NO3 used in the new GOMOS cross-section database. This dataset is used in the publication: Bingen C, Robert C, Hermans C,... -
Beam tracking strategies for fast acquisition of solar wind velocity...
This entry contains figures and movies that provide supplementary Information for De Keyser et al., Beam tracking strategies for fast acquisition of solar wind velocity...