NOMAD/UVIS ozone retrievals and GEM-Mars GCM simulations of ozone on Mars during the 2018 global dust storm and one year later, for Daerden et al., 2022

The DOI contains:

  1. NOMAD/UVIS retrievals of ozone profiles on Mars during the Global Dust Storm of 2018 and for the same season one Mars year later,

  2. GEM-Mars GCM ozone simulations including comparisons to NOMAD/UVIS ozone observations, presented in Daerden et al. (2022)

  3. Figures data files: fig 1, 2, 3 and 4
  4. Extended Data Figures data files: figs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8

These files contain the gridded data that is plotted in Figures 1-4 and Supporting Figures 1-8 shown in the Supporting Information.

Units in the files are as in the figures (e.g. heights are in km, number densities are in cm-3).

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Daerden, F., & Wolff, M. J. (2022). NOMAD/UVIS ozone retrievals and GEM-Mars GCM simulations of ozone on Mars during the 2018 global dust storm and one year later, for Daerden et al., 2022 (Version 1) [Data set]. Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy.
Retrieved: 08:01 23 Jan 2025 (UTC)
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Daerden, Frankorcid, Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy


Wolff, Michael J., Space Science Institute;

Contact data-contact of Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy

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