Supplement for: N2O rate of change as a diagnostic of the Brewer-Dobson Circulation in the stratosphere

N2O volume mixing ratios (vmrs) and their TEM budget terms computed by the models WACCM and BASCOE CTM. Each dataset corresponds to a model output:

  • mp03e5x is the BASCOE CTM driven by ERA5 (ERA5.1 between 2000 and 2006),
  • mp03ei is the BASCOE CTM driven by ERA-Interim,
  • mp03j5 is the BASCOE CTM driven by JRA-55,
  • mp03ma2 is the BASCOE CTM driven by MERRA-2,
  • waccm-refc1 is the multi-model mean of three realizations of the WACCM-REFC1 model,
  • and waccm-refd1 is one realization of the WACCM-REFD1 model.

Each dataset contains:

  1. the monthly and zonal means of the N2O vmrs.
    The files are named "N2O_${dataset}".
  2. the N2O vmrs interpolated at the location of each FTIR station, vertically regridded to the vertical grid of the corresponding retrieval and smoothed with its AVK. Bruker is the FTIR instrument at Jungfraujoch station.
    The files are named "${dataset}smoothed{Izana,Bruker,Lauder,Wollongong}_prfl.csv".
  3. the field "air_density_regridded", which is the air density interpolated at the location of each FTIR station and vertically regridded to the vertical grid of the corresponding retrieval. This field should be used to to integrate, from smoothed.csv , the N2O partial columns (12-40km altitude range) at the FTIR stations (as used for section 3 of the paper).
    The files are named "{Izana,Jungfraujoch,Lauder,Wollongong}_${dataset}".
  4. the N2O vmrs sampled in space and time as ACE-FTS and binned monthly to a low-resolution grid with 5° latitude spacing and 42 pressure levels (as used for section 4.1 of the paper).
    The files are named "N2O_${dataset}".
  5. the monthly mean of the ADV term of the TEM budget (as used for section 5 of the paper).
    The files are named "advection_${dataset}".
  6. the monthly mean of the MIX term of the TEM budget (as used for section 5 of the paper).
    The files are named "divM_${dataset}".

See manuscript (Minganti et al., J. Geophys. Res., 2022) for more details.

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Minganti, D., Errera, Q., Chabrillat, S., & Kinnison, D. E. (2022). Supplement for: N2O rate of change as a diagnostic of the Brewer-Dobson Circulation in the stratosphere (Version 1) [Data set]. Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy.
Retrieved: 12:03 09 Sep 2024 (UTC)
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Minganti, Danieleorcid, Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy


Errera, Quentin, Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy; Chabrillat, Simon, Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy; Kinnison, Douglas E., National Center for Atmospheric Research;

Maintainer data-contact of Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy

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Created April 25, 2022, 00:00 (UTC)