GEM-Mars GCM simulations of D/H in Mars water vapor for Daerden et al., JGR, 2021
The repository contains GEM-Mars GCM results for the D/H ratio in water vapor including comparisons to NOMAD D/H observations, presented in "Explaining NOMAD D/H Observations by... -
Datasets and GEM-Mars simulations of ozone and H2O2 on Mars, for Daerden et al., 2023
The datasets include: - the experimental results of Pouvesle et al. (2010) for H2O2 adsorption on water ice; - MARCI/MRO total ozone column observations for Mars year 31; - GEM-... -
NOMAD/UVIS ozone retrievals and GEM-Mars GCM simulations of ozone on Mars...
The DOI contains: NOMAD/UVIS retrievals of ozone profiles on Mars during the Global Dust Storm of 2018 and for the same season one Mars year later, GEM-Mars GCM ozone... -
FTIR acetylene (C2H2) groundbased remote sensing at Porto Velho from...
FTIR acetylene (C2H2) total columns and low vertical resolution profile data at Porto Velho (Brazil). Details on the FTIR retrieval technique can be found in a paper describing... -
Global distribution of ozone vertical profiles retrieved from...
This dataset is presented in "Ozone observed by TGO/NOMAD-UVIS solar occultation: an inter-comparison of three retrieval methods" by A. Piccialli, A.C. Vandaele, et al. 2023.:... -
Ground-based FTIR CO2, CH4 and CO measurements at Xianghe, China
The data is generated during Yang Yang’s visiting PhD program at BIRA-IASB with the support from the China Scholarship Council. The Xianghe FTIR measurements are carried out...